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STORMS, Lucca and Florence!!

It’s the perfect sunny Italian day outside with gentle breezes blowing in from the sea (drying our sheets and towels!!), my tummy is full from good coffees, yummy bread and pizza, and life is good!! Don’t be jealous though because this perfect day comes after a challenging (intense but interesting) week, with the best of plans waylaid by “Severe/EXTREME, thunderstorms, wind and rain” (to quote the Italian Meteorologists), delayed trains, and trouble with my “good knee”!! 🥴  Seems like ages ago, but it was only last Monday when we trudged into Lucca since we wanted a “gentle day trip” not far away!! With only light rain predicted, we figured it would be fine... until we got soaked!! I would love to be an outdoorsy type of person, but I’m really NOT (unless it’s sitting outside at a cafe sipping a cappuccino)!! ☕️ The rain threw me off-kilter and all I could think about was getting dry and sitting down, so when Google Maps directed us towards the huge wall that surrounds the old town
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