The kitties napping in their basket - so sweet!! It’s a beautiful day here in the south of France – the sun is shining, the temperature is in the low-70s, and the sky is bright blue with only a few wispy clouds dancing across the sky like cotton candy! The cats were sunning themselves (until I came in the house to write) – and now they are tucked away in their basket napping together! Zelda (the dog – who, I found out, was bred to be a watch dog and “herder” and follows me around EVERYWHERE I go) is ever-watchful for any intruders (yeowling like a hound and startling me with her VERY loud bark every time she hears the slightest sound outside – and sometimes an imaginary knock on the door on the television)!! I can’t believe I’ve been here almost two weeks – where has the time gone and what have I done with myself?!?!? I’ll tell you what…I’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet, done lots of meditating/reading/thinking (staring at the beautiful garden pondering life);...