For those who are not familiar with my Journey, I’ll give a little background before I share about my current travel experience! In 2003, I left my job in Washington, DC and traveled to Guatemala to study Spanish, immerse myself in the culture, and just "take a sabbatical from life” as I began to explore more about the possibilities available to me! Writing a travel blog at that point was impossible for me to imagine, but I did enjoy sending out emails to my friends and family – sharing not only the OUTER journey I was on in Guatemala, but a little bit about the INNER journey that was taking place during my sabbatical.
Since returning from Guatemala in 2003, I have traveled, lived and shared my life with some very special people in Washington, Oregon, California, Indiana and Michigan….I even returned to Guatemala in 2010 to work on some writing! What I have found for myself is that life is DEFINITELY a journey filled with love, joy, sadness, tears, deep and profound meaning, and much, much more!! Although our culture would like us to believe that we will eventually “arrive” at some specific destination in our lives (happy, rich, skinny, or whatever it is that defines each person’s “destination") – I believe that we never fully arrive because it's the JOURNEY that keeps our lives vibrant and fulfilling!
When I left my job and my wonderful friends in D.C. in 2003, I had no idea how far I would come on my own journey in understanding what is meaningful in my life….what I value, and what has brought powerful learning opportunities! Each day, my desire is to experience the fullness of life that is available to me. What I've learned over the last 10 years since I began this "leg" of my journey is that as I follow the Guidance which comes to me, I am led further along the path which brings me the greatest love, growth and meaning.
My intention in creating this “travel blog” was to share with my friends and family my experiences in New Mexico over the next 8 months….it may end up being a funny recount of my day-to-day experiences, or it may have more depth and meaning as I travel this journey of “learning as I do” – never being satisfied with the idea that life must become a series of mundane events which define who I am and what I do with my life.
I hope you enjoy reading about my “inner and outer” experiences….and I look forward to any comments you may want to leave (or emails you would like to send) – like pearls on a string connecting us in this great big world we share!!
Since returning from Guatemala in 2003, I have traveled, lived and shared my life with some very special people in Washington, Oregon, California, Indiana and Michigan….I even returned to Guatemala in 2010 to work on some writing! What I have found for myself is that life is DEFINITELY a journey filled with love, joy, sadness, tears, deep and profound meaning, and much, much more!! Although our culture would like us to believe that we will eventually “arrive” at some specific destination in our lives (happy, rich, skinny, or whatever it is that defines each person’s “destination") – I believe that we never fully arrive because it's the JOURNEY that keeps our lives vibrant and fulfilling!
When I left my job and my wonderful friends in D.C. in 2003, I had no idea how far I would come on my own journey in understanding what is meaningful in my life….what I value, and what has brought powerful learning opportunities! Each day, my desire is to experience the fullness of life that is available to me. What I've learned over the last 10 years since I began this "leg" of my journey is that as I follow the Guidance which comes to me, I am led further along the path which brings me the greatest love, growth and meaning.
My intention in creating this “travel blog” was to share with my friends and family my experiences in New Mexico over the next 8 months….it may end up being a funny recount of my day-to-day experiences, or it may have more depth and meaning as I travel this journey of “learning as I do” – never being satisfied with the idea that life must become a series of mundane events which define who I am and what I do with my life.
I hope you enjoy reading about my “inner and outer” experiences….and I look forward to any comments you may want to leave (or emails you would like to send) – like pearls on a string connecting us in this great big world we share!!
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