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The Magical Island of Hvar!!

I've thought about posting something about my journey a number of times in the last few weeks, but I kept feeling like I was in another world and wasn't able to find the motivation or words to share my experiences. I feel like I've now come full circle as I sit here at the same cafe in Split watching the crowds pass on the Riva (the seafront boardwalk) - the same cafe I passed time in nearly a month ago after my overnight ferry ride from Italy!! Once again, I have a few hours to kill waiting for transportation (this time a bus to Dubrovnik), but I feel more whole....more internally-focused and "grounded" rather than flying high and absorbing everything around me. 

It took awhile for me to understand that during THIS part of my journey, I was meant to dig deep into the internal part of my process rather than keep exploring externally! At first, I struggled because I felt like I was "supposed" to keep sightseeing....after all, I was in a foreign country and there were so many opportunities to see new things and explore old, historical places!! But that wasn't what my heart and soul wanted! So I finally settled into the SOUL part of the journey where I've been able to reconnect with myself in a way that only seems to happen when I have long periods of time alone. 

I had to remind myself at one point in my "struggling" of the quote from my earlier post prior to leaving....."I didn't know exactly where I would travel to or who I would meet along the way, but I knew it would be a heart-opening, growth-filled experience if I followed the guidance of Spirit and trusted the wisdom of The Journey!!" So, I trusted the wisdom of The Journey and let myself settle into a quiet, meditative space and allowed myself to feel into the depths of my Soul.... meeting MYSELF more deeply as a result of this journey!! 

As I think about the last month, it feels as if I've been in a whole different place - a world of incredible beauty and magical sunsets, but certainly a place not of this world!! It felt like every sunset I witnessed there was a familiar pink, purple and gold "mist" that surrounded the island - a mist that allowed me to reach through to another time and place that felt like home to my Soul. Those of you who have read "The Mists of Avalon" might have a better understanding of my experience the last few weeks.....It felt like I was physically inhabiting my beautiful seafront apartment on Hvar Island, but on another level I felt like I was navigating "between worlds" (the same feeling I have sometimes when I wake up from a particularly "real" dream)!! 

Is it hamburger or bacon?!?!
Turns out neither....
It's Flavoring Bacon fat!!
It could just be my writer's imagination, but it definitely felt like there was a thin spot in the veil between worlds, and there was something deep in my Soul that felt at peace and complete - like I could've just floated away! (For those who don't believe in other dimensions or parallel/past lives, just think about what it must feel like once our Souls have crossed over into Heaven!!) The hardest thing I had to do was go to the grocery store every few days (a tedious journey because it put me back in my body and took me out of my magical "thinking place" on the terrace, looking out at the ever-changing sea)!! 

One day when I opened my curtains, I had a delightful surprise - a sea FULL of sail boats!! Apparently I was there during the 21st Annual Easter Regatta (a 3-day sailing race the week before Easter) and they came right in front of our building! It was beautiful to watch how gracefully they navigated (and fun to hear all the "navigation cries" once I got close enough to hear them)! It looks so easy and fluid from a distance, but when I got closer I could see how hard they were working to catch the winds and get the boat going in the right direction!!

I was going to go into town for their Good Friday event, but I just couldn't face the idea of walking in the dark on the seafront road (one I hadn't even traveled yet during the daylight hours, let alone in the dark)!! Plus, I knew there would be a LOT of people, and after being in such a quiet, introverted place, I wasn't sure I felt up to the crowds! Even now as I sit in the cafe on the Riva here in Split, I'm overwhelmed by the sounds and smells (smoking is definitely still a part of "cafe culture" here)! Of course it could also be because I didn't get much sleep last night (anxious about making sure I caught the Catamaran because if you "miss the boat" you LITERALLY have to wait until the next day) - and I want to be sure I get my bus to Dubrovnik so I can meet Pam at the airport to begin OUR adventure - the next leg of this journey!!

We will be taking the overnight ferry BACK to Italy, then house-sitting on the Italy side of the Adriatic Sea for a week (plus a couple days) before catching the ferry back to Split (again, coming full circle)!! We plan on doing a bit of sightseeing in Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro (places and schedule TBD once we get time to discuss all the possibilities)!! After a month of being on my own in a very "internal" place, I'm really looking forward to some good conversations over coffee, wine and good food! The place in Mattinata has two terraces to choose from to look out at the Adriatic, and the weather has been lovely - so I'm sure we'll be enjoying ourselves (oh yeah - and taking care of the little dog, of course)!!

There's one last quote I'd like to share that spoke to me in one of the MANY books I read during this quiet time on Hvar...."Along the way I learned a truth about travel: we will take a trip for one reason but remember it for another." 
I knew when I took off on this trip that it was more than just a sight-seeing adventure, but I wasn't sure what to expect!! As I've learned in the last few months, it can be surprising what we encounter along our journeys if we keep ourselves open to ALL the experiences we encounter!! I've been gifted with many wonderful conversations and connections along my journey thus far, as well as beautiful, historical sights and experiences.... and I can't wait to see what's next!! I've attached pictures of the sail boats, gorgeous, ever-changing sunsets and "my world" for the last month, but I'm sure there will be more "touristy" sights and stories to post pretty soon! In the meantime, I'm sending love and hugs to all who are reading and connecting with me this way - I appreciate your loving support and companionship "along for the ride" as I journey!!


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